website security is #1.

A world-class system built on thoroughly researched modern security policies & practices, the NWLYNX private network provides a security level most mass-hosts simply don't offer the average small business owner. My approach to total security is comprehensive, starts at the server level and touches every level of every project - from inception through post-launch.
education = power.
When was the last time you had a conversation about security with your website developer? If you're like most small business owners, the answer is never. Today, the on-going protection of your website and customer data requires at the very least a thorough educational walk-thru and analysis as to what comprehensive security means and how achieving such a security level is vital to the healthy growth and safety of your business and brand.
absolute security.
The NWLYNX network is a private infrastructure providing my customers a closed-door, gated-community where thorough security protects their sites and data at every turn. Total security is enforced at every level including network access, data, encryption, staging environments, client & server-side communication, critical software, configuration lockdowns, open-ports, backup systems, multi-point / credentialed authentication and much more.
live monitoring.
As the developer of the NWLYNX private network, I'm continually administering and monitoring all mission-critical aspects of network security. This includes proactively auditing essential services and logs, identifying potential malicious activity and suspicious behavior, researching and applying security patches & critical service updates, and constantly striving to stay on top of modern industry standards & security best practices.
why complete security matters.
Your average web designer launches a website served from a mass-host and goes away until they are required by the customer. Sound familiar? Who is monitoring the website at this point? Who is identifying new threats and proactively notifying the customer of zero-day vulnerability patches? Who identifies and lets the customer know an auto-run patch broke a 3rd party plug-in creating an all new security threat? Sadly, the answer is usually nobody. Worse yet, websites then often remain broken and unsecured for days, weeks or longer, spreading malware and infecting other users and sites. This is why I develop truly custom websites and serve them from a custom, dedicated network - where they can be properly monitored and cared for. Where security is tightly controlled not just within the website but on hardware, software, and network levels as well. I put my customers first by putting security first, it's just that important.
get started. right now.
Have a website project or an awesome idea? Are you ready to take it to the next level? I'm sure you have a ton questions and I'd love answer every single one of them. Contact me today and let's dive right into it together.
let's do this.